Biltmore Bass Pond Proposal Guide

The Biltmore Bass Pond and the Biltmore Boathouse are great proposal and engagement locations. Located below the Azalea Gardens, the Bass Pond it’s often less crowded than the rest of Biltmore Estate.

You can park along the road leading away from the estate to make walking to the Bass Pond short and easy, or you can hike down from the walled Gardens. Thankfully shuttles are available to move you around the estate if you should choose to walk down.

We feel it is important to approach the Biltmore Bass Pond and the Biltmore Boathouse as two separate locations when thinking about proposal or engagement photography.

The Boathouse Proposal Guide

The Boathouse is the covered area located on the far end of the Bass Pond. It is a historical structure and, in some ways, resembles a gazebo. We recommend your first step to start with our Biltmore Proposal Guide.

Photo looking into The Boathouse from Biltmore Estate

Why do we like The Boathouse?

We can stage The Boathouse for you with flowers and led candles with permission up the Biltmore. Some people like the look of LED wax candles in the shape of a heart interlaced with roses. We would be more than happy to set this up for you!

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The Boathouse is in a very private location and is often not in use, so you will likely have the place to yourself. It also serves as a beautiful backup location if it is raining and you want somewhere dry.

If you do not want to walk all the way from the Biltmore House, it is undoubtedly possible to park along the road and take a short set of stairs down to The Boathouse and Bass Pond.

If you are looking for privacy, we have some other proposal ideas around Asheville.

The stairways are made of stone at the National Historic Site on the Biltmore Estate, this is the path leading to The Boathouse it is lined with green scrubs and very old trees

The Biltmore Bass Pond Proposal Guide

The second location would be the Biltmore Bass Pond. The Boathouse is located on the Bass Pond, but we will treat these as two separate areas for our purposes.

The Bass Pond has several idyllic wooden bridges for photography and one man-made waterfall at the far end. There are also a few trails around the bass Pond, including some wooded areas. Everything is exceptionally landscaped, so it is a beautiful place for photos. From the Bass Pond is also very easy to access the Azalea Gardens, which can be an absolute stunner.

When thinking about photography and shooting at the Boathouse, Bass Pond, or Azalea Gardens, you will want to aim for around Sunset as the lighting will be best, and the crowds will be thinning.

Couple embracing one another on a brick path in the gardens for the Biltmore Boathouse proposal

Why do we think the Bass Pond is an excellent proposal location on the Biltmore Estate?

Privacy, the Bass Pond is one of the best spots; other areas can often get extremely busy during peak tourist season. You will also have a backup location at the Boathouse if it is raining or you need to stall. Here are the Best Biltmore Proposal Ideas and Locations.

Engagement Photography at the Bass Pond

After you have proposed there are many photo opportunities. You can start around the Bass Pond and then work your way up through the Azalea Gardens, getting some magnificent landscapes in your engagement photos.

From there, we would work our way into the Walled Garden, which is by far one of our favorite places to shoot engagement photos, and then up to the Biltmore Estate itself.

If you are shooting around Sunset, the crowds should be clearing out, and you could make it to the top of Diana Hill for Sunset, which is often the quintessential shot at Biltmore.

Picture of Will Thomas

Will Thomas

Will Thomas is a professional photographer, videographer, and creative based in Asheville, North Carolina.

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